Webinar: A vision for digitally enabled diabetes care in Europe
La SED aconseja encarecidamente que las personas con diabetes no lo duden y se vacunen frente a la COVID-19Invitación al webinar A vision for digitally enabled diabetes care in Europe, que tendrá lugar el martes 15 de septiembre, a las 14 horas. Moderador:
- Prof. John Nolan, Dept of Clinical Medicine, Trinity College Dublin
- Christel Schaldemose, Member of the European Parliament
- Dr Niti Pall, Chair of the International Diabetes Federation Europe
- Prof Dr. med. Dirk Müller-Wieland, Past-President and Chair of ‘Digitalisation’ Committee of the German Diabetes Society
- Slobodan Radumilo, Vice President and General Manager, Diabetes Care EMEA, Becton Dickinson, Chair of the Diabetes Sector Group at MedTech Europe
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